Dr. Andrew Alberini (Florence U.)
19 Dicembre 2024
11:30, Aula Piazzi
The main criterion for evaluating the astrobiological value of Martian samples collected by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover at Jezero crater is the presence of minerals with a high potential for preserving biosignatures and organic matter. Perseverance studies the mineral and organic content of rocks by abrading their surfaces and analyzing the subsurface material using its instruments. Due to operational requirements, these abraded patches are exposed to Martian surface conditions for at least one sol before being measured with proximity science instruments. At this timescale it is possible for solar ultraviolet (UV) photons in the 200-400 nm wavelength range to alter organic matter within the abrasion [1]. The SHERLOC instrument onboard Perseverance has detected the most intense signals possibly due to aromatic organic compounds associated with minerals that have undergone significant aqueous processing, such as sulfates and carbonates [2][3]. In this work, we investigated the potential photoprotective behavior of magnesium sulfate towards organic compounds likely present on Mars, such as carboxylic acids, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We prepared Martian analog samples simulating a potential natural interaction in an early Martian aqueous environment between magnesium sulfate and the aforementioned organics, followed by a plausible desiccation event [4]. These Martian analog samples were characterized using a Bruker VERTEX 70v FTIR interferometer (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform, DRIFT) to understand the possible molecule-mineral interactions, and irradiated with a Newport Xenon enhanced UV lamp to evaluate the stability of the organics when adsorbed on magnesium sulfate. The results obtained suggest a photoprotective behavior of magnesium sulfate, which favors organics preservation under UV irradiation, and corroborate the hypothesis that the intriguing signals detected by SHERLOC in association with sulfates could potentially arise from organic compounds.