Un-modeled GW searches in multi-messenger transient surveys

The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) mission aims to probe cosmology by high-energy transients. GW170817B-GRB170817A and the kilonova AT2017gfo following the event GW170817 at 40Mpc demonstrates the powerful multi-messenger potential of high-energy transient emission to reveal their central engine; in this case a Kerr black hole. These observations may extend to core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe), in particular events associated to gamma-ray bursts. In the absence of a GRB-trigger, un-modeled probes of CC-SNe for their GW-emission is a major open challenge given the lack of precise timing of core-collapse based on a supernova light curve alone. The candidate post-doctoral researcher will develop a search pipeline to probe GRBs and CC-SNe for un-modeled emission at a sensitivity on par with CBC to identify or constrain their central engines. The prospective candidate is expected to have extensive programming and data-analysis experience in mixed-language environments and high-performance synaptic network computing.

Riferimenti: Luca Izzo, Maurice H.P.M. van Putten and Massimo Della Valle
